lunes, 25 de mayo de 2015


Hace tiempo que estábamos tras el intento de presentaros a todas y todos la que ha sido una de las alegrías del curso: nuestra querida Kate McAtamney, la lectora de inglés que nos ha acompañado durante el año y que ha sido un auténtico placer para todos. No os podéis imaginar lo encantados que ha quedado todo nuestro alumnado de ella.

Ha sido tal la situación que nuestra Directora Pedagógica, Gema, no ha querido dejar pasar la ocasión de ser ella misma la que nos ha hecho una presentación en el Blog, para introducir la entrevista (en inglés, ¡qué menos!) que realizaron a Kate, unos cuantos alumnos y alumnas del Centro.

"Este curso 2014/2015, que está a punto de finalizar, hemos tenido la suerte de contar entre nosotros  con Kate. Kate llegó en octubre procedente de tierras inglesas para trabajar como Auxiliar de conversación y así ayudarnos a mejorar nuestro inglés. 

Desde el primer momento se ganó el cariño de alumnos y profesores, cariño que fue en aumento día a día. 

Hace unos meses un grupo de alumnos de 1º ESO le hicieron una entrevista que queremos que conozcáis.

Desde aquí queremos decirle a Kate que ha sido un placer haberla tenido entre nosotros. También queremos darle las GRACIAS, un gracias con mayúsculas. 

Kate, te echaremos de menos."

We are Secondary students and we are studying our first year of ESO. We have a new teacher from England, her name is Kate and today we are going to interview her.

- Hello Kate and welcome to our school! How are things?

 - Very good. Thank you.

- What are your interests, Kate?

- I am interested in travelling, spending time with my friends. I also like reading.

Los Entrevistadores
- What is your favourite sport?

- Sport? I don´t like sport, I don´t practise any sport although I sometimes watch sport on TV.

- What is your favourite book?

- My favourite one is a Spanish book, “A Shadow of the Wind”

- And, your favourite film?

- It is difficult to say only one. There are lots of them, but if I have to pick one I will probably say Pride and Prejudice.

- We would like to know which is your favourite band.

- I like a lot of different singers. Perhaps at the moment a British Singer called Ed Sheeran.

- And your favourite food?

- I love Italian food: pasta, pizza and spicy food like Thai food.

-  Have you ever been to Spain before?

- Yes, I have lots of times. I´ve been to Barcelona, Costa Brava, Madrid, Granada, Seville, Extremadura and I also lived in Murcia for a year.

- What do you think about the education in Spain?

- It is very different. There are really good things here and there are good things in England too. It´s very interesting and I enjoy seeing the differences.

- Would you like to be a teacher?

- That´s a good question. Well, I am teaching now, but it is different because I don´t have the full responsability of a teacher . I am really enjoying it at the moment, but I¨m not sure I want to do it as a long term career.

- Do you like our school?

- I do. I love it. I like all the teachers and the students. You are friendly and lovely.

Now some questions about your life in Asturias.

 - When did you arrive in Gijón?

 - I arrived in Gijón on 23rd  September, a week and a half before I started  classes.

- How was your trip to Gijón?

- My trip to Gijón was really easy because there is a direct flight from London to Asturias.

-   Do you like Gijón?

- I do. I love Gijón. I can see the sea from my bedroom. It is a great city with lots to see and do.

- Why did you choose Gijón?

-  This is a funny story because I didn´t choose Gijón. I wrote some preferences and my first choice was Asturias. I was very lucky and I´m glad to be here. It´s a very beautiful region with the mountains, lakes and the beach all close by.

And now, a personal question. 

- What do you think about the level of English of the students here?

- School or this class? It´s very good, really high which is great for me. It´s fantastic because you understand me and you follow my classes so it ´s easy for me to work with you.

So Kate, thanks for being here with us today and we hope you have enjoyed our interview.  Goodbye!

Thank you very much.

Nicole Álvarez Váquez, Óscar Díaz Márquez, Eva Fontela Viñuela, Saray Fernández Suárez, Andrea González Rivero, Sara López Regidor, Carolina Magdalena Llano y Pedro Suárez Gómez (Alumnos de 1º A y 1º B ESO)

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